Day 13 of the #30DayMapChallenge - Track

I plotted an interactive map with R.

Load packages we are going to use:

  1. Download roads (OSi - National 250k Map of Ireland) from the Ordnance Survey Ireland
  Roads_250k_URL <- ""
  download.file(Roads_250k_URL, destfile = "Rdata/")
  unzip(zipfile = "Rdata/",
        exdir = "Rdata/Roads_OSi_National_250k_Map_of_Ireland")
  Roads_250k <- read_sf("Rdata/Roads_OSi_National_250k_Map_of_Ireland/Roads_-_OSi_National_250k_Map_of_Ireland.shp") %>%
    mutate(RTT = as.factor(RTT)) %>%
    mutate(RTT_Name = factor(recode(RTT,
                                    "-32768" = "Null",
                                    "984"    = "Local Route",
                                    "14"     = "Primary Route",
                                    "15"     = "Secondary Route",
                                    "16"     = "National Motorway"),
                             levels = c("Null",
                                        "Local Route",
                                        "Primary Route",
                                        "Secondary Route",
                                        "National Motorway")
  unlink("Rdata", recursive = TRUE) # Delate Rdata
  1. Plot the map
  p_popup <- paste("<strong> OBJECTID: </strong>", Roads_250k$OBJECTID, "<br>",
                   "<strong> RTT: </strong>", Roads_250k$RTT_Name, "<br>",
                   "<strong> LEN: </strong>", round(Roads_250k$LEN, 2), "km")
  pal_fun <- colorFactor("YlOrRd", NULL, n = 4)
  Road_250k_map <- leaflet() %>%
    addPolylines(data = Roads_250k, 
                 stroke = TRUE,
                 weight = 2,
                 col = ~pal_fun(Roads_250k$RTT_Name),
                 fillOpacity = 0.5,
                 highlightOptions = highlightOptions(color = "blue",
                                                     weight = 3,
                                                     bringToFront = TRUE),
                 label = paste("OBJECTID:", Roads_250k$OBJECTID),
                 popup = p_popup) %>%
    addTiles() %>%
    addLegend(data = Roads_250k,
              pal = pal_fun,
              values = ~RTT_Name,
              opacity = 1,
              title = "Roads - OSi National 250k Map of Ireland")
Javier Elío
Javier Elío
Associate Professor

My research interests include environmental sciences and data analysis.
