
Day 25 of the #30DayMapChallenge - Climate

Plot the temperature of the air at about 2m above the surface (i.e. monthly averages). Packages we are going to use: library(raster) library(animation) library(ncdf4) library(sf) library(ggplot2) library(rworldmap) library(rworldxtra) Firstly, I have downloaded the monthly average temperatures from ECMWF.

Day 14 of the #30DayMapChallenge - Boundaries

I tested cartography. Load packages: library(sf) library(cartography) # path to the geopackage file embedded in cartography path_to_gpkg <- system.file("gpkg/mtq.gpkg", package="cartography") # import to an sf object mtq <- st_read(dsn = path_to_gpkg, quiet = TRUE) # Compute the population density (inhab.

Day 13 of the #30DayMapChallenge - Track

I plotted an interactive map with R. Load packages we are going to use: library(sf) library(tidyverse) library(leaflet) Download roads (OSi - National 250k Map of Ireland) from the Ordnance Survey Ireland dir.

Day 6 of the #30DayMapChallenge - Blue

I plotted the European river catchments changing the default settings in ggplot2 to different scales of blue (e.g. background, grids, etc.). Load packages: library(sf) library(tidyverse) library(rworldmap) library(rworldxtra) Download the European river catchments from the European Environment Agency: dir.

Day 5 of the #30DayMapChallenge - Raster

I plotted airborne radiometric data from the Tellus survey (Geological Survey, Ireland). Load packages: library(sf) library(tidyverse) Download the radiomatric data (Tellus 2019: A5 block (Limerick)): dir.create("Rdata") Radiometric_URL <- "https://secure.

Day 4 of the #30DayMapChallenge - Hexagons

I made a hexagon tessellation of a region (e.g.Iberian Peninsula): Download country data from Eurostat. World_URL <- "https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/GISCO/distribution/v2/countries/download/ref-countries-2016-60m.shp.zip" dir.create("Rdata") download.file(World_URL, destfile = "Rdata/World.zip") unzip(zipfile = "Rdata/World.zip", exdir = "Rdata/World") unzip(zipfile = "Rdata/World/CNTR_RG_60M_2016_4326.

Day 3 of the #30DayMapChallenge - Polygons

I plotted a wold map (scale 1:60 Million) with color varying by country. Download the data from Eurostat, where there are geographic data of: Administrative units – statistical units